Yeah, We Know The REAL Reason This New Mexico Bank Voluntarily Took Down Its American Flag, Don’t We?

Modesto Muni


This is the soon to be torn down and rebuilt clubhouse at one of my favorite golf courses. I played here daily while going to community college, and twice a week after transferring to the local university. Just a lot of great memories and fun times.

Good Drama

We have an awesome drama department.

rhs drama department

One American, one Japanese and a Greek

Angry Mother Destroys Common Core by writing this on her sons test

Angry Mother Destroys Common Core by writing this on her sons test.

What The Heck Fleck

Sorry, my inner golf geek is escaping, and posting this video. I am sure most of you have never heard of Jack Fleck, but beating Ben Hogan would be like Pee Wee Herman beating up Mike Tyson!

Golf Rocks



These are a couple of pictures from Turlock Golf and Country Club. I am standing on the very tee where I hit my first shot of my high school career. It is amazing that 33 years later, I am now coaching. Man, God always has the perfect plan for us!

Rep. Posey Spokesman: Media Ridicule Stopping Us From Addressing Obama’s Identity Fraud

The Obama Hustle

By AL Hendershot, March 11, 2012

Barack Obama and Michelle Obama The Dynamic Duo

Last summer I had a conference call in which I disclosed through a “Live Database” search how:

  1. Barack Obama’s alias Harrison J Bounel was associated with his bogus SSN and the house in Chicago.
  2.  How Barack Obama is committing Tax Fraud and Real Estatefraud as of present day.
  3. The many SSN that he, Barack Obama and Michelle Obama are currently using in their voter fraud schemes across the country as of the last election and that they are still in use as of today.

There were several people that I invited to view the evidence that they found to be irrefutable in its accuracy and complete in its proof tha Obama is a fraud.

Above is the video that Bill Posey‘s Spokseman saw along with many others including more information that was covered other than what is shown in the above video.  His office admitted to knowledge of…

View original post 354 more words

A must read dire warning for the United States of America

A must read dire warning for the United States of America.

Me On The 6th Tee

Me On The 6th Tee


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