Its Been A Long Time

What a difference a year can make in one’s life. I have missed my blog and many of my blogging friends. I miss having the daily motivation to write. I did not lose my joy of writing, but had it temporarily taken. I was crushed by the power of a miniscule petty worker’s comp drone who dislikes truth. I now know that some people have enormous ability to change a person’s life direction. I never conceived the notion that a desk jockey has the evil skills and dark abilities to hang four felony counts on an innocent person. I once believed that an innocent person should never plea guilty to crimes not committed. I proudly admit I was wrong.

In the coming days and weeks to come I will go into depth about my situation. For now, I will focus on many of the positive things in my life. Especially the fact that Mr.Trump is my president, my beers are never ending and always cold, and my dogs are my favorite drinking buddies!

God bless and dang sure is nice to be back!

Obama Fails to Blame Taliban for Mass School Murder in Pakistan | The Weekly Standard

Obama Fails to Blame Taliban for Mass School Murder in Pakistan | The Weekly Standard.
President Obama’s statement condemning the mass murder in a Pakistan school fails to blame the perpetrators, the Taliban. Here’s Obama’s full statement:

The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms today’s horrific attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar, Pakistan. Our hearts and prayers go out to the victims, their families, and loved ones. By targeting students and teachers in this heinous attack, terrorists have once again shown their depravity. We stand with the people of Pakistan, and reiterate the commitment of the United States to support the Government of Pakistan in its efforts to combat terrorism and extremism and to promote peace and stability in the region.

If You Are PC Then This Ain’t For You

I have no issue saying that Gran Torino is my favorite Eastwood movie, and I have almost all of them on dvd. The message of the movie is what many folks in this country either have forgotten, or don’t get: Deeds are greater than words, and when the rubber hits the road, real American men fight and die for what is right. Walt fought in Korea for people he refers to as Zipper Heads and Gooks. He ultimately sacrifices himself for these same people, and gives his most treasured possession to Tao…his car. His own family thinks he is an inconvenience. Kind of how our government treats our vets.

Go Left Go Right

What makes two people who grow up in a similar environment become so politically different? This is very perplexing to me. Where I live here in central California, a candidate who I went to grade school with, remained in touch during our college years, and road tripped together a few times, is challenging the GOP incumbent, Jeff Denham. I am going to refrain from posting his name here, but he has been endorsed by Planned Parenthood and the CSEA. Just do a quick google search, and he will pop up.

Everyone who has spent more than one second reading my blog is fully aware that I am a very conservative Christian guy. I grew up in a conservative, two parent home. My pop owned his business, and mom stayed at home. The guy that I went to school with, partied with, and did typical guy stuff with all those years ago, had a very similar upbringing. So why did I see the light of the right he went to the darkness of the left?

I don’t have the answer. I don’t know why folks think that abortion is not murder. I don’t know why folks want to reward criminals with free citizenship. I don’t know why folks believe medical insurance and medical care is a right. I don’t see why folks don’t understand that the more government is involved in the private business sector, the more expensive it becomes and the quality declines.

As the election draws near, I will post some of the acts I witnessed first hand that he will have to answer for. I have been contacted by a chapter member of the GOP that wants to hear what I witnessed. I am a bit torn, Jeff Denham is not a conservative; he is pro amnesty and mandated healthcare guy. But he is not a progressive.

From That To This

Recently I have signed up with Pandora. It is a company that allows you to listen on line to any music that has ever been recorded, sans the Beatles! So I was running at the gym, shocker, and I was listening to Dion and The Belmonts, when I looked up at the television screen and observed a newer music video being played. Well, it got this Cardio-Hillbilly’s tractor running. Staring in 1955, music has come a long way, or what is passed for music. Let me use some videos as examples:

From That:

To This:

And this is just music….Wait till part two when I go television and part three….movies!

Why Ban Chem Warfare?

I have been attempting to stay away from anything political lately, but this thought shot through my cranium on the way to work: Chem weapons, if developed properly, are much more efficient and less destructive than conventional bombs and bullets. Plus, they are actually “Green Warfare.” It takes a lot less fossil fuels to rebuild after a chem attack than a regular or “smart bomb” raid.

I would think chemical weapons would be the weapon of choice in a civil war.

Just a tid-bit of information we are not hearing much about from Syria: There are two major gas pipelines that both Russia and ourselves are deeply interested in. Makes you go HMMM?

WWII Hero Murdered By Two Blacks : Hey Obama Could They Be Your Sons?

I can hardly put into words how angry I am about the murder of this WWII hero and the blacks that did it. The media will not mention the facts: Blacks killing innocent whites because of their skin color. Heck, the media barely reports about the out of control black on black crime! When the rubber hits the road, my money is on us goood ol’ boys coming out on top.

An 88-year-old World War II veteran was savagely beaten by two teenagers in a parking lot in Spokane, Wash., on Wednesday evening, KXLY-TV reports. Delbert Belton died in the hospital Thursday morning from the injuries he sustained in the brutal attack.

Response To Guest Opinion: Carol J. Ornelas’ “Comprehensive Immigration Reform Needed”

Here is a my letter that is published in the latest copy of the Riverbank News. It was in response to a guest editor’s post:
Response To Guest Opinion: Carol J. Ornelas’ “Comprehensive Immigration Reform Needed”

I would like to submit this for publication under Letters To The Editor: In response to the Guest Opinion by Carol J. Ornelas entitled “Comprehensive Immigration Reform Needed”, I would like to question some of her assertions. Lets start with the obvious: It is not “Reform”. It is the blatant disregard by our state and federal governments to enforce the laws that regulate immigration. “The majority of immigrants” (of course, she is lumping legal and illegal into one pile) “in California are working in agriculture,construction, or the service industry.” This is great news for the masses of unemployed workers in California. And don’t try to drop the “only illegal immigrants are willing to work certain jobs.” Remove the illegal alien workers, and the employers will find employees to fill the void. “To keep our economy strong, we must pass a comprehensive immigration reform..” Really? our economy is in the tank now, so this is just a blatant lie. “Parents and children are torn a part as they are separated from one another.” Why is this a concern? Good parents will take their children with them. Of course, some countries do not grant citizenship to people born outside of their countries. Besides, illegal aliens made the choice to break the law, so they must be willing to accept responsibility for their actions. I also notice that Carol fails to address the illegal alien population that is incarcerated and how illegal aliens have affected our K-12 educational system. Lastly, notice who employs Carol and who her company has teamed with: La Raza. Citizenship is not a right, it is a privilege. To give it to any person simply because they are able to circumvent our laws is wrong an immoral.

Here is a link that provides company names that are directly associated with the name Carol J. Ornelas. Looks like there is some cash being made too me.

IRS Targeting This Hillbilly? It Is Now A Legit Question

I can’t believe I an sayning this, but “thanks you Barry, and those who control you for targeting conservative white Christians.” I can now make the claim I am being assesed additional federal income tax penalities because I am a C.W.C. I don’t make a lot of money, but I apparently make enough to owe $2,000 more.

Just when I figure I am finally financially above water, I receieve the letter this past Saturday. Yes, Saturday; when all of the government offices are closed. Opened the letter at 12:30 pm. and was ready to blow something up by 12:31pm. I understand why people who make millions try their best to protect assest. My $2,000 bill was targeted to replace my truck’s engine. Now, the mechanic will not get a dime from me, and his profit will not be spent with any local merchants. If I made 60 million dollars, my taxes would be between 19-22 million? That generates a lot of income for others. It also allows people to secure their families’ futures for generations.

I am planning on meeting with the IRS this Wednesday. I am not expecting anything to go my way. I am eager to hear the expanation. I will also not drive to their office, beacuase I might just want to plow the car through the doors after I leave $2,000 poorer!

Where Have All The Generals Gone?

Obama’a handlers are trying to shut down the voices that can reveal what really went down in Benghazi. My take is that Ambassador Stevens was allowed to be murdered because he was probably overseeing illegal arms deals. Just saying!

From Michael Savage’s web page:

Obama fired 4 generals to cover up Benghazi

Maj. Gen. Ralph Baker, commander of the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa, was fired March 28, according to a Washington Defense official.

The command is headquartered in Djibouti and runs U.S. military operations in East Africa, including some counter-terrorism operations.

Baker, a two-star general, is appealing the firing, which was ordered by his boss, Gen. Carter Ham, the commanding general of all U.S. military operations across Africa.

He was relieved of his duty for loss of confidence, three Defense officials told CNN.

It was second embarrassing dismissal of a high ranking officer involved in the U.S. military hierarchy in Africa in five months.

Gen. William “Kip” Ward, the first four-star general to command U.S. military operations in Africa, was demoted for excessive spending from duty at U.S. Africa Command (Africom).

He lost one star and retired a lieutenant general.

Ward used his rank to shuttle his wife on shopping sprees, enjoyed a lavish beachfront trip and once accepted a Defense contractor’s gift of going backstage to meet actor Denzel Washington.

There are reports that two high-ranking military officers, Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette and General Carter Ham, were fired by Obama for wanting to come to the assistance of the beleaguered U.S. missions in Benghazi.

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