If You Are PC Then This Ain’t For You

I have no issue saying that Gran Torino is my favorite Eastwood movie, and I have almost all of them on dvd. The message of the movie is what many folks in this country either have forgotten, or don’t get: Deeds are greater than words, and when the rubber hits the road, real American men fight and die for what is right. Walt fought in Korea for people he refers to as Zipper Heads and Gooks. He ultimately sacrifices himself for these same people, and gives his most treasured possession to Tao…his car. His own family thinks he is an inconvenience. Kind of how our government treats our vets.

Idiots: Why Do They Exsist?

I believe the answer to ny question is simply, “to piss me off!” I was sitting in my front yard drinking beer with my little dog, Bill Willy. The dog loves to run the fence line and bark at everything that moves. He’s about 10 inches tall and weighs in at 11 pounds. This particular night, a young man is walking by, and Bill Willy is doing what he does best, and the idiot says, “Shut the fuck up.” Nice going dude. So I tell Bill Willy to “get-em”, and the dude replies to me the same eloquent phrase. Not smart. Beer in hand a spring out of my chair with some very strong language. Dude goes into to monkey fight mode….throwing hands in the air saying “come on cracker”. Really? So I say no problem, just quit backing up. Never seen somebody move so fast backwards in my life. Silly thing is, the further he got from me, the braver he became:) Then dude reaches into his saggy basketball shorts as if to grab a weapon. Idiot, it is easy to see there ain’t nothing but his hand, and small dreams in the pocket.

Why me? Why I am I an idiot magnet? Then it hits me; It takes folks like me to teach idiots like this they need to think about their actions before they act. I am sure this dude was scared all the way to chocolate chonies land. He is probably glad I was not the type that would shoot him…..but I am the type that would have roughed him up a bit. Something more idiots are in dire need of these days.

WWII Hero Murdered By Two Blacks : Hey Obama Could They Be Your Sons?

I can hardly put into words how angry I am about the murder of this WWII hero and the blacks that did it. The media will not mention the facts: Blacks killing innocent whites because of their skin color. Heck, the media barely reports about the out of control black on black crime! When the rubber hits the road, my money is on us goood ol’ boys coming out on top.

An 88-year-old World War II veteran was savagely beaten by two teenagers in a parking lot in Spokane, Wash., on Wednesday evening, KXLY-TV reports. Delbert Belton died in the hospital Thursday morning from the injuries he sustained in the brutal attack.

Facts? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Facts!

I love when the facts get in the way of a liberal’s ageda!


Gun crime has plunged in the United States since its peak in the middle of the 1990s, including gun killings, assaults, robberies and other crimes, two new studies of government data show.

Yet few Americans are aware of the dramatic drop, and more than half believe gun crime has risen, according to a newly released survey by the Pew Research Center.

In less than two decades, the gun murder rate has been nearly cut in half. Other gun crimes fell even more sharply, paralleling a broader drop in violent crimes committed with or without guns. Violent crime dropped steeply during the 1990s and has fallen less dramatically since the turn of the millennium
The victims of gun killings are overwhelmingly male and disproportionately black, according to Bureau of Justice Statistics and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data.

When A Ford And A Chevy……

This Merle song is an awesome commentary on today’s life in America. Here is my list of thoughts in no particular order or reason!

Hyphenated American labels: You know, Japanese, Chinese, African. Whatever happened to just being an American of “fill in the blank” decent.

Owning up to your bad choices, and not blaming your mamma, daddy, or position in life….or the color of your skin.

Calling bull crap when somebody says, or does something stupid. To a Christian Conservative like myself, “Stupid” has the same definition as “Porn”. Ya know it when you see it.

Giving thanks in public for the Man upstairs and not giving a rat’s rear what others think.

Buying pants that fit correctly, and don’t have stupid sayings on them. Goes for shirts too.

Not buying clothing that promotes communist or socialist revolutionaries.

Making fun of public figures that cry when they get rolled up for doing something stupid or illegal.

Not being ashamed to fail.

Chech Muslims And Southern Democrat Both Terrorist

So the crap pile who sent the poison laced letters is a self-proclaimed “liberal” and “christian.” Of course, he has proved he is only a liberal, and not a Christian. I have read The Bible, and nowhere do I find a command to murder political figures. But liberal are just fine with murder if it fits their views. Think abortion and legal suicide.

For the Check Muslims? I am still developing my take on the Boston Bombing, and I have questions about what, or what is not, being reported by the government. Quite a few years ago, I would have not even entertained the thought that our government would have a hand in acts of violence against our citizens, but Waco and Ruby Ridge changed all of that. I also see the Civil War as an act of violence that targeted American citizens. Read Gen Lee’s writings on the subject.

Back to the Chech Muslims. If they are the real culprits, we have a serious problem: These dudes are bad ass. They are the number one choice for terrorist to fill their ranks. And here is the kicker, how many of them are here in the states illegally? If we get shafted with the Amnasty Plan, brought to you by the unpatriotic Gang of 8, they will become citizens, along with all their family members who are not even in the country! I bet this is not being discussed on the news channels. Yet this simple Hillbilly in Cali can figure it out. I will go as far to say that there are evil forces behind the scenes in D.C. that want this. They want a reason to use federal law enforcement agencies against these folks, and then ultimately against any citizen who objects to the socialization of America.

Their is hope. The bombing in Boston may blow up the hopes of the anti-gun, pro-illegal alien supporters: More people may see the need to arm themselves and tighten who the heck is getting into our country. The gun control bill will shot down the other day and Obammy and Biden were pissed. If “Shamnasty” for illegals dies, and I think it will, it will expose the GOP phonies like Rubio and McCain for what they are: Team players for the political machine in DC. Yup, Rubio’s career is done. The GOP’s Cuban poster boy has been exposed as a fraud.

OK, I have to shut this down and work on a Fab Friday post. One with lots of beer, country music, and pork skins!

Also, you notice how the media stopped reporting on the murders of the D.A. in Texas when they found out it was not a White Aryan group? Just saying:)

Insider Trading Legal….If You Are In Congress

Why bombs were blasting in Boston, Barry Obama was busy bailing out the elected bums in congress. Sadly, I don’t think anything short of a large sink hole opening up and swallowing D.C. will stop these criminals.

Obama Signs Law Gutting Insider Trading Regulations For Congress

DS Wright
April 16, 2013

Yesterday President Obama signed a law that gutted the reporting requirements originally included in the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act. Before these changes were made the STOCK Act required congressional staffers to disclose their finances to the public to help ensure they were not engaging in corrupt practices.

But on second thought, President Obama and Congress decided that congressional staffers should be able to escape transparency.

President Obama quietly signed legislation Monday that rolled back a provision of the STOCK Act that required high-ranking federal employees to disclose their financial information online.

The White House announced Monday that the president had signed S. 716, which repealed a requirement of the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act requiring the disclosure, which had previously been delayed several times by Congress.

You never heard of this political project to reinstate corruption incentives? Don’t be surprised.

Both chambers of Congress quickly — and near silently — approved the repeal legislation at the end of last week by unanimous consent, just before heading home to their districts.

That’s right. Unanimous consent, no one wanted to put their name down as openly supporting corruption while supporting corruption. And now President Obama has signed the bill guaranteeing a more corrupt Washington.

This article was posted: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 2:28 pm

For What Its Worth

Can’t believe I am using a title from a Hippie group like the Buffalo Spring Field band. As many of you know, I have taken a huge break from commenting on national politics. While it has been a refreshing break, and I plan to continue to post 99% of non political stuff, I just have to break the silence today.

I have just about resigned to the fact that our federal government no longer answers, no listens to the average hard-working citizen. I believe that the percentage of AHWC is probably no more than 40% of our population. This leaves a huge block of folks that want stuff for nothing, because they believe they are entitled to it. Mixed into this free-loading population, are the folks that are willing to give the fruits of their labor to these bottom feeders. I stumbled upon an article that talks about Repubs and dems, The Gang of 8, who are working on the sham and shaft, known as immigration Reform. Low and behold, Sr Marco Rubio is part of this group of traitors.
It’s also a problem for Sen. Marco Rubio, who is simultaneously helping to write the bill and preparing to run for president in 2016 as a supporter of the middle-class….

This Hillbilly believes we 35%-40%’ers will have to clump together in states like Texas, Arizona, Missouri, and Idaho and work our way into school boards, PTA, city council seats, and so on. Completely purge any folks who are of the 60%ers out of any type of positions that have any say over our culture,values,religion, borders, and language. It will work, because we did it back in 1776.

OK, I said my peace, so I will now go back into political black.

Bammy And I Agree? Free Ice In Hades

Right to the point: I have no problems with killing Americans, who are fighting with the enemy overseas. In some cases, they are leading the troops. Once an American citizen decides to fight for the enemy, and the faction of Islam we are at war with, is an army, they lose their constitutional rights. Change the date to 1943 and an American is leading the charge in Europe with the Nazis.

Some folks are worried that this decision may lead to the government using drone attacks to kill Americans on US soil. Who needs a drone? The already did this at Ruby Ridge and Waco! As for the ACLU disagreeing with Obammy? The ACLU loves Islam more than the president, or the US.

Yup, ice in Hades,and pigs flying, I agree with this part of the policy.

Problem Solved In Atlanta School: Armed Security Works

The solution is simple so this is why you will never hear the vast majority of politicians say it. Armed guards work. Works for private businesses, works for banks, and works very well for our president and other political figures. So why not schools? Because most politicians don’t give a rats rear about the kids, it is all about disarming America and making big bucks doing it.


Armed guard disarmed teen in Atlanta school shooting, says police chief
| The Associated Press
First Published Jan 31 2013 12:58 pm • Updated 1 minute ago
Atlanta • A student opened fire at his middle school Thursday afternoon, wounding a 14-year-old in the neck before an armed officer working at the school was able to get the gun away, police said.

Multiple shots were fired in the courtyard of Price Middle School just south of downtown around 1:50 p.m. and the one boy was hit, Atlanta Police Chief George Turner said. In the aftermath, a teacher received minor cuts, he said.

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